SSH Gratis 12, 13 October 2016 from unlimited host America, France and Japan| Password SSH 13 Oktober 2016 Singapore and India. SSH Squid 12/13 10, 2016 Indonesia and Malaysia. (SSH
Server Unlimited 13 Oct 2016 Belgium and Italy). The Working Principle Of The Webserver. The Web client and the Web server communicates using HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol). The Web client is a computer that is incorporated in the network or the internet which ask for information. To be able to access the web server, the web client using an application called Web browsers. The Web server is a computer that is incorporated in the network or the internet which provide information.
Http (HyperText Transfer Protocol) is the protocol used to transfer documents in the World Wide Web (WWW). This Protocol is a Protocol, not a generic and can be used a variety of document types. When we browsing a web address wearing a web browser (the http client), an HTTP client such as a web browser, usually start the request by making the relationship a TCP/IP port to a specified Http server (port 80).
An HTTP server listening on that port waits for the client to send a request (request) code, such as "GET/HTTP/1.1" (which will require a page already specified), followed by a MIME message that has some information that describes the head code aspects of the request, followed with a body of specific data. So receiving code request (and message, if any), the server sends back a reply code, such as "200 OK", and a message that requested, or an error message or any other message, such as 404 (Not Found), 500 (Internal Server Error).
SSH Gratis Premium: Port 443, 80 Version Dropbear : Port 109, 143 is OpenSSH Server Secured Shell America, Asian and Europe:
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