Great Host SSH 2, 3 Agustus 2016 about server vps America, Peru and Brazil| Create SSH 3 Agustus 2016 Egypt and Nigeria. SSH for Mac 3/2 08, 2016 Turkey and India. (SSH
VPS 4 August 2016 Indonesia and Malaysia. Differences Of Shared Hosting, VPS, Dedicated Servers. The fundamental difference between a Shared Hosting, Virtual Private servers and Dedicated servers lies in how a server computer used by the users (customers). Below is an example of a server with the casing/box shaped rack-mount 1U size (thinnest). Servers are then placed in a special sized rack 42U (most high). The server rack in a data center which has the system cooling, electricity and internet connection so that website in the server can be accessed from all over the world.
Virtual Private Server. If you subscribe to the VPS, then it is as if you have a server on its own. How it works, a server like in the picture above is divided into several parts in accordance with the resources or the resources so that each part can run its own operating system. Often a server can be divided into dozens of VPS. The virtual division system called system virtualization. There are 2 types of virtualization, namely virtualization-based operating system, and hardware-based virtualization. Dedicated Server. If you subscribe to a dedicated server, then a physical server will be used by your own so that you can install operating systems and control panels and make arrangements in full against the server.
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