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(File SSH 9 May 2017 more about hosting America, France and Germany). (SSH Linux 10 Mei 2017 Turkey and Iran). SSH Windows 9 - 10 May 2017 India and Pakistan. Get to know the Ubuntu Server, Ubuntu server is one of the variants of the linux distro Ubuntu. In this time the discussion and deliberations of next, I will discuss about the CLI command on the Linux server using ubuntu settings and 12:10. But before discussing more about Ubuntu server I would recommend first what is it ubuntu server in the format of FAQS so easier in understand.
I know ubuntu, but ubuntu server that's what seh? What's the difference? Ubuntu ubuntu server is designed to be installed on the server. The fundamental difference, in Ubuntu Server GUI is not available. If you use ubuntu server means that you have to work with the command command in a black screen which is often called console. If you are coming from windows, then the look of ubuntu server as DOS.For the desktop user, clearly not beneficial, but for network admin, server, Office, Internet Cafe and a webhosting company, ubuntu server is easy and free solution to building services such as file sharing, printer sharing or webhosting. Ubuntu server even though only using the CLI (Coomand line interface) is not calculated because it has been difficult many tutorials and help default from the command itself.
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