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Two of the most used webserver, Apache and nginx. By default the control panel like Webuzo make the settings as default in Apache webservernya. This could be indicating that Apache has more support command as well as a pretty good perform among other webserver. But what happens if the partners have a VPS hosting with 512 RAM and establish many blog it, Mysql will often result in death and the blog will not be accessible. I experienced this a couple of days at VPS hosting DO (Digital Ocean) with operating system Linux Centos 64 bit. Almost every day I have to restart Mysql on webuzo panel.
How to fix Mysql often die in webuzo? The solution is to replace the webservernya become Nginx servers. Nginx is a very small advantage in the use of RAM resource. And the speed of access-much better than Apache. So it is highly recommended for the Nginx blog running on Virtual Private Server (VPS) let alone still uses a small RAM capacity. God bless you after replacing Apache into Nginx blog running smoothly.
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