
New Free SSH- 12 Februari 2015 (Hosting Nice SG GS)

Wednesday, February 11, 2015
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Dedicated Server, where one hosting server is only used by a single user. Dedicated servers are usually used for websites that need a great resource or set aside for larger applications. For the provision of servers covered by the hosting company in question. Colocation servers, namely when the server that is used for blog or website provided by the users/subscribers, so for the server specification, users can define his own choices. The hosting company in question only provide services in the form of leasing an internet connection and a place to put the server used for hosting.

Hosting is one of the important components in building a website or blog. Correctly choosing the hosting of course can create a website or blog we are running as well as it should. This type of hosting is also quite influential in terms of search engine optimization, because with performance hosting server that remain tejaga can create a website or blog is easily accessible so that it can improve the quality of your site on search engines.
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