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SSL is a security protocol that is used on almost all transactions securely on the internet. SSL transport protocol such as the change to a TCP into a secure communication channel that is suitable for sensitive transactions such as Paypal, Internet Banking, etc. Security is guaranteed with kiptografi using a combination of public key and symmetric key cryptography together with a certificate infrastructure. A certificate is a collection of identification data in a format that has been standardized. The data used in the verification of the identity of an entity (web server) on the internet. ssh gratis txt singapore 11 Feb, 2015.

SSL secure communication functions just like a normal function on TCP communication, that provides a standard communication infrastructure in which an application can use it easily and hardly visible (invisible). SSL provides a critical component on a secure system. Authentication mechanisms such as basic password Telnet and HTTP Basic authentication becomes very strong when executed with SSL as compared with TCP, where on the SSL password no longer shipped in the form of plainteks. SSL encrypts the connection, not the data on the two parties that are communicating, and does not contain a mechanism for user authentication and password protection (only the connection is authenticated, security will fail if the machine on which the two parties communicating compromised).
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