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2016 France). What is a vps and when should I use a VPS? Maybe it was the one who things the first time in our minds at the moment of first learning more about the use of server-based virtualization. In this time, I will be a little bit of what it lays out VPS and when do we need to use VPS, based on my own experience.
VPS stands for virtual private server. VPS is also known by other terms, namely the VDS (virtual dedicated server), but because the term "dedicated" in a rather ambiguous abbreviation VDS, VPS eventually hence the term more often used. VPS briefly according to Wikipedia is a virtual machine (computer) that is usually sold as a service by companies hosting services provider. VPS is the machine/virtual computers that are running in a main server, or more commonly known by the term node. Node typically has a high specification (powerful CPU, RAM, big storage manual, etc.), and are able to host tens even hundreds of VPS.
If we rented a VPS, then we can treat the VPS as we treat our own computers. We can install applications, remove applications, downloading something into it, rebooting, doing the shutdown, and so forth. All of it can be done thanks to advances in virtualization technology in the computer world a very fast development.
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