SSH Hosting 23 May 2016 this about host ssh France, Malaysia and Indonesia| SSH Akun 24 May 2016 from data center Portugal and Singapore. Ssh connection 23/24 05, 2016 Uni Emirate Arab, Romania and, (ssh secure shell 24 May 2016 China and Vietnam). Dedicates Server VS Shared Server; Which one is Better for Your Web Server? Do you want to take web server but still confused which servers that will you choose? Generally, you can choose dedicated server or shared server. What does make both of them different? For some specification and needs, dedicated server VS shared servers are different. So, you can make sure that you use the right server depends on your needs. Because, it will be wasting if you are using the server that cannot covering your needs or even you cannot use the features from server. So, here are some explanations about dedicated and shared server hosting.
In the other hand, shared server hosting is different from dedicated server which is it let other users to take the same server space with yours. Yet, it is usually used by user who just starts out with a website. For its work, the security monitoring, software installations and server maintenance are all performed by host provider. So, from the explanation about dedicated server VS shared you can decide which server is better for your needs.
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