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SSH 8 October 2016 Nigeria and Libya). What exactly is hosting it? What is its use? How do I choose the right hosting? Maybe some of us already know the usefulness of the Hosting itself, let alone make us who struggled in the world IT would already understand once heard HOSTING! But, for which still lay about Hosting, will surely be wondering, yes right? Hosting is storage of documents or files of the web that can be accessed 24 hours nonstop. So actually hosting is the space that we use to store your website files. Hosting is such a hard disk on a regular computer, only the computer differentiates prepared as hosting and connect to the internet and 24-hour life without death, because if the server dies then our page will not be accessible.
Hosting server technology being used. Server is running Linux or Windows, and if you create a PHP file does the hosting supports PHP files? Likewise, when you create a web using ASP, JSP, Perl, Python, and Ruby are hosting support? Therefore you must carefully before buying, ask directly on the hosting company you want to buy. Lest you create a website with PHP but buying hosting does not support PHP. PHP version is also noteworthy especially if using a CMS as there are several CMS that requires PHP version is higher.
Hosting server technology being used. Server is running Linux or Windows, and if you create a PHP file does the hosting supports PHP files? Likewise, when you create a web using ASP, JSP, Perl, Python, and Ruby are hosting support? Therefore you must carefully before buying, ask directly on the hosting company you want to buy. Lest you create a website with PHP but buying hosting does not support PHP. PHP version is also noteworthy especially if using a CMS as there are several CMS that requires PHP version is higher.
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