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After last I wrote about what domain it and now we go to review what it is hosting. Hosting taste of the word "host" which means the host or receive guests, Hosting an internet service to put the files in the process of building your website in order to get online, if the URLs of the Domain is the home address of the hosting is the land.
Hosting itself provides leased servers that allow individuals or organizations to put the data or information on the Internet such as DNS, EMAIL, FTP, or HTTP. Server hosting comprises of a server connected to a network that has high speed internet. Understanding another hosting is renting a place to store data required by a website that can be accessed through the internet.
Hosting itself provides leased servers that allow individuals or organizations to put the data or information on the Internet such as DNS, EMAIL, FTP, or HTTP. Server hosting comprises of a server connected to a network that has high speed internet. Understanding another hosting is renting a place to store data required by a website that can be accessed through the internet.
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