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Computer designed for the future with more canggin and will use
technology programless or without programmed in advance. The form was smaller at very sparingly. The computer will facilitate the work of man with its small and can be brought anywhere. Sophisticated computer that also functions as the wearer's identity card. This computer can be installed in a car, point to see traffic conditions. This computer is designed to be used anywhere and do many things, including in the home which serves to make all the tools at home installed automatically. Let's wait.
Advanced Computer To The Future Along with the development of increasingly sophisticated technology, making computer science expert creative to create products that are more sophisticated. In the field of computer for future later, the computer will be designed programless, meaning that the computer was made without any prior programming. Computers without this program because they want to adopt a blaze of human ability to see, hear, speak, think, and make sense of something that scientists will make a computer that resembles that of the human intellect.
Update Premium Server Hosting SSH Gratis:
Port 443, 80 is Dropbear and Port 109, 143 is OpenSSH:
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