Hosting is a space or a place on the internet that we use to store the data in our site. Whether it's a company site, personal site, blog site, and so on. Each site shall we create online so that more people could access it, must be stored on a host. Now many available hosts that are offered on the internet. Start who paid, until its free though. Free domain name usually we get is just a sub domain of the parent website where we register the property.
You might ask, if there is a free hosting, why should a paid usage? This is an interesting question and circumstantial, according to the author. Paid domain offers you the features that are certainly more complete than the free ones. For example, the availability of features such as: FTP features, features of webmail, mysql, ad-free feature that does not want this, and so on.
Port 443, 80 is Dropbear : Port 109, 143 is OpenSSH
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