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(SSH Premium 20 Oktober 2016 all great host from server Singapore and Brazil). (SSH Account 21 October 2016 full speed host Columbia and Vietnam). SSH Tunnel 19 - 20 Oct 2016 Malaysia and Germany. Type Of Server/Hosting. Cloud Server: a server technology that consists of several separate servers so that if one server crash/other server then the problem will directly backing up so that the website will not be down. In addition to the technology cloud the upgraded server will not lead to site down and also more secure. Traditional server: server hosting in General that use only one server only, so if the server crash then the site could be down and inaccessible.
Next is the specification of the hosting. Hosting specifications in here is the specification that will be obtained from a hosting that we rent. To get a good hosting and quality there are a few things to note, among them: the first thing to note is the allocation of CPU or RAM. Why this is I write at the beginning? Because the RAM/CPU this is the brain/central data processing on the server, if RAMnya then loading the site will be faster because it is able to handle a lot of request data from visitors. And conversely, if the RAM is small then it will be very hard to handle request data (in large quantities) of visitors.
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